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While we are extremely excited about the launch of our new website, please note that order conditions remain the same as prior, with goods shipping from Germany under export conditions. We will of course keep you, our valued customer-partners, informed as our business conditions progress and we are able to update our product list to reflect goods shipping from within the United States.
Please reach out to sales@norelem.com with any questions regarding order conditions.

Price list Standard

0$       39,00 
3$       44,00 
5$       53,00 
8$       57,00 
10$       75,00 
15$       88,00 
20$       99,00 
25$     110,00 
30$     116,00 
35$     121,00 
40$     126,00 
45$     137,00 
50$     326,00 
75$     380,00 
100$     434,00 
125$     650,00 
150$     758,00 
175$     866,00 


Price list Express

0$       81,00 
3$     136,00 
10$     174,00 
25$     244,00 
50$     365,00 
75$     487,00 
100$     608,00 
125$     729,00 
150$     850,00 
175$     971,00